With technology making leaps and bounds in almost every sector of business, email marketing seems a rather outdated and old-fashioned way of spreading awareness for your brand.
The rise of social media marketing such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest may reflect that email marketing is for older people who finally got rid of newspapers to now pay attention to their emails.
However, this is high time that we realize that email newsletter writing is a very crucial part of spreading your brand awareness and building your brand reputation. If you overlook this digital marketing technique the new may as well be holding yourself back from further expanding your own business.
Email newsletter writing is a marketing technique that relays important information about your brand or the product or service that you are offering and basically informs your audience about significant information related to your business. It is one of the most effective and cost-cutting methods that can help you scale your business.
If you want a surge in your brand marketing and feel that your previous marketing strategies have gotten stale and are not generating any sort of positive outcomes then perhaps you may want to try out email newsletter writing.
Many companies make a habit of sending informational emails to their potential customers on a weekly or monthly basis to help them connect with their businesses. They would utilize a wide range of interactive strategies that would compel the user to pay attention to their email newsletter writing and check out the businesses for even once. This helps them in expanding their outreach, driving more traffic to their website, and converting them into paying customers.
Widely regarded as old-fashioned, email marketing is gradually paving the way for building a strong relationship with target audiences. It is becoming incredibly valuable for building customer loyalty and for constructing a strong foundation for the reputation of a business.
Research highlights that over the years numerous companies have invested in email newsletter writing. This indicates the undying importance of email in our daily lives despite the innovative, sophisticated, and technologically advanced platforms that we have at our disposal.
In this article, we will be taking an in-depth look at the components of email newsletter writing, what benefits they hold, what are the different types of email newsletter writing, and what the future of this digital marketing technique is.
According to an article by a digital news report on the consumption of email marketing, 28% of the business utilize email marketing in Belgium whereas 21% in the United States 10% in Sweden 9% South Korea and 9% in the UK use email newsletter writing for spreading brand awareness. The difference in the usage of email newsletter writing services is not entirely clear but it intrinsically depends upon the publisher, the format that has been utilized, and the channels used to spread those emails.
Around 16% of the businesses across various countries use email marketing to target people who are interested in getting news about any particular product or service. These types of users are the best set of people who can be converted into confirmed sales.
Email newsletters are a good type of marketing for people who actively look forward to accessing news and information. For people who have high access to information and news and for people who actively look out for insights, email marketing proves to be the best method to attract them to your business. However, for people who heavily rely on information that is easily provided such as through social media marketing platforms then email marketing proves to be a bit lacking in that area.
Benefits of Email Newsletters for Branding
• Building Customer Loyalty
E-mail is frequently a crucial means of lowering churns for subscription companies — the rate at which consumers cease paying for the service. Publishers such as The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times attempt to entice new subscribers to sign up for email newsletters within the first few weeks since research shows that doing so boosts engagement, which reduces churn.
Publishers in Belgium and the United States have succeeded to get around four out of ten (37%) digital or dual digital/print customers to utilize email newsletter writing, according to our research. However, despite equally high percentages of paying for news, many Nordic countries have significantly lower levels.
About 14% of the subscribers regularly access their email in Norway whereas, the stats for these people are 15% in Sweden and almost 19% in Finland. Despite the obvious fact that there exist many sophisticated and innovative platforms that provide information instantly about any or all trending topics, there still exist people who prefer to get their information through emails. Regardless of the fact that email marketing attracts a minority audience, its term has an appeal due to which people prefer it
In almost every era, content has been the king of marketing. No matter the form that it comes in, content always manages to help businesses connect with their customer base on a deeper level. It not only allows the customers to relate to the business but also allows the business to capitalize on the information they're providing to the customers.
According to a report by Aberdeen, marketers experienced 7.8 times higher growth in their site traffic due to customized content. There is no single hack to optimizing your online visibility or white spreading your brand awareness; however the most integral component of digital marketing strategy is understanding how your target audience thinks, what they want from you, what are you offering, and how can you optimize your product or service as per the requirement of your customer base.
If your business has a model that primarily serves the middle age audience then your best bet would be capturing their attention from interactive emails.
• Offer Useful Insights
Newsletter writing is a great way to inform your customer about your brand, your visions, your core values, your product, and your services. Besides promoting yourself you can also inform your customers about trending topics and issues and connect with them on a fundamental level. Email newsletter writing expands your horizons and gives the audience a window of insight into who you are, what you represent, and what you offer. It allows you to build an ironclad brand reputation, credibility, and customer loyalty.
• Promote and Market
By optimizing your content strategy as per your audience you can seamlessly promote and advertise your products and services through email newsletter writing. It is one of the most cost-cutting and effort-saving opportunities for you to not only let the customers know about what you offer but also enable you to be more accessible to your clients. You can also offer numerous deals, discounts, and promotions to capture the interest of the target audience that is receiving your email newsletters. If you have a catchy subject line then customers will be more likely to open it and give it a read.
• Build Credibility
Stand out from your competition and make your mark on the market by building exceptional brand identity through email marketing. When you interact with your customer and actively invest in serving your customers the best that you can you will most definitely build customer loyalty and credibility.
If your product and services and your overall brand don't resonate with your customers then you have boundless opportunities to expand your business and your clientele. Utilize your industry knowledge to spread information about topics that are related to your business so that your customers feel that you are an expert in what you do.
Send out timely updates on trending topics so that you become the go-to platform for your customers to search for relevant information.
• Build Long-Lasting Customer Relationships
If you have a consistent approach towards email marketing then you have a greater chance of building long-lasting customer relationships and enhanced brand reputation. Marketing your business is not all about boring the customer, it is about how good you are. It is about understanding the customers and what they want and then strategizing the best way that you can serve them.
• Broaden Your Reach
The most important factor in expanding your reach is spreading awareness about your brand as much as you can. You can always place valuable information about your business in your newsletter writing and some sort of form so that you can also collect information about your customers. If your email marketing strategy has gotten stale then you should do comprehensive research on your customers and try to understand what they are looking for and then repurpose your digital marketing services according to that.
Types of Emails
Daily updates are the most popular sort of email (60 percent) across 21 nations where we asked extensive questions about email news. These editorial emails, which are usually issued first thing in the morning, are a helpful approach for readers to cope with an increasing amount of information.
The New York Times and the Washington Post, for example, each publish about 70 separate scheduled emails highlighting the work of various sectors of the newsroom, such as business, technology, culture, and sport. Many have also created ‘pop-up' newsletter writing to provide more information on a major continuing subject, such as the coronavirus or the US presidential election in 2020.
73% of people sign up for an email that informs them about an event that has recently happened, any breaking news, or any alert regarding a wide range of conditions. This type of email arises from Google News and many other news platforms.
How to Go About Email Marketing?
The most tactful way of going about any digital marketing service is understanding your customers. If you have a product-based company then you have to analyze what products are the most popular amongst your customer base and what is an activity that your potential customer performs when they are online browsing for that particular product.
With countless businesses adapting to the online world you have to realize that for your business to stand apart from the competition you have to be the best at your game. You cannot compromise on any marketing strategy that has the potential to enhance your online presence and your ranking on the search engine results pages. What you want from the audience is to be constantly aware of the products or services that you are providing and build a sense of loyalty through your consistent and efficient marketing strategies.
One of the things that plays a very big part in the success of the growth of your business is interacting with the customers on a deeper level and understanding their needs and requirements and coming up with ways to solve them. Surprisingly around 44% of people read their emails on a daily basis which is why you should not disregard this method of digital marketing as useless or insignificant. You don't have to be always promoting your business or your products whatever it is that you are offering, your email newsletter writing can contain useful information in the form of info graphics, videos, and images that informs people of the things related to your business.
• Concrete and Concise
Newsletter writing is all about informing the users about the topic that they were searching for or have great interest in. This means that using ambiguous language or industrial jargon completely defies the sole purpose of connecting with your customers. You have to be very concise in relaying bulk information and make use of simple language. Make sure that your content is not filled with irrelevant information, filler text, hard-to-understand words, and too much information to digest.
• Relevancy Matters a Lot
You should know that your audience is people who actively look out for information which is why your content must be educational and relevant. This is not to say that you cannot include promotional content about your own services and products in the newsletter writing but you have to tone that part of the content down and increase the quota of informational content.
• Talk About Trending Issues
It is imperative that you connect with your customers on a deeper level and have them engage with your newsletter as much as they can. Talking about trending issues and topics can help you relate with your customers in a timely manner and have them build trust in your brand.
• Formatting and Layout Should Be Consistent
Formatting and the layout of the newsletter writing should be consistent. If you choose to use one particular font then stick with it. All your hard work will go down the drain if the readability of the text is very low or the color schemes you are using make it hard for the users to read your content or you have an overall uncomfortable layout that puts off the customer from even opening your email.
• Compelling Visuals
Visuals and aesthetics of newsletter writing are the hooks that attract a customer towards giving your newsletter a go. This is an opportunity for you to make a resolute first impression that stays with customers for a very long time. So, with the help of compelling visuals, eye-catching graphics, images, and elements you can interact with your customer and build an impressive brand reputation.