What Is Creative Copywriting? Step-By-Step Guide

What Is Creative Copywriting? Complete Guide 2022

Do you know there is a difference between copywriters and creative copywriters? There are different types of writers.

Organizations cannot accomplish the tasks because very few people know the differences. Different writers accomplish different goals. It's not about completing the word count. Hence, it is all about creatively telling a brand's story.

Creative writers have the responsibility of crafting reader-focused content. On the other hand, copywriters have the job of drafting task-focused content. Thus, if you want to accomplish a reader-focused task, then hire a copywriter.

Still, confused about what is creative copywriting?? Don't worry! Continue reading to clear your confusion.

What Is Creative Copywriting?

Writing is not simply putting words on paper or a screen. Anybody can claim that they can write, but that does not make them copywriters. Furthermore, not everyone has the skill of grabbing the audience's attention.

Creative copywriting is a unique skill. You can capture a massive audience's attention and generate good profit if you have this skill. Creative writers work with the special purpose of achieving the desired results.

Nonetheless, a creative copywriter is the voice behind your brand. In addition, a creative copywriter has the potential of selling your product by evoking emotions that prompt the intended audience to complete the purchase.

Creative copywriting is essential because customers do not like repeatedly reading the same old dry content.

Moreover, creative copywriting has the potential of converting prospects into leads. For example, an excellent copywriter drafts compelling copies from advertisements to magazines to boost your ROI.

Purpose of Copywriting

This blog is all about creative copywriting? But, first, let's understand the purpose of creative writing.

It all depends on your brand's purpose and what you want to achieve with that writing. Copywriting is all about selling a narrative creatively for the brand you are working with. While creative copywriting is about creatively delivering the content to grab the audience's attention.

If the goal of your brand is to attract customers, then a copywriter is what you need as creative copywriting conveys the brand's goal to potential customers. A creative copywriter can let their imagination run wild and bring aesthetic ideas to the table to ensure that the audience stays loyal to the brand.

There are times when a copywriter wants to drive immediate action. The purpose is to make sure your brand gets noticed within a few minutes of publishing an ad. Such type of copywriting is referred to as direct response copywriting. Creative writers have to channel their creativity and draft unique ads or write-ups for such purposes.

What Do Creative Copywriters Do?

A creative copywriter acts as a strategic thinker. Their job is not to simply understand the information. He has to think strategically and present the information in an interesting manner. An excellent copywriter does the following things:

  • Analyzes the tone of your brand and write creatively
  • They help your brand to maintain a writing language that resonates with the target audience
  • Uniquely highlights the key message to sell your services
  • Understand the ways to get a response from the audience
  • Boost the sales by catching the attention of the potential customers by creating creative copies.

Copywriting vs. Creative Copywriting - What's The Difference?

If you want to become a good writer, understand your strengths and polish your skills to become proficient in the art of crafting narratives.

Content marketing has changed the marketing game, and today, good writers are in a lot of demand. Without a good writer, you can never promote your brand. Quality content can increase your return on investments, and you can rule your niche.

Today, even writers are confused about the differences between copywriting and creative copywriting.

Copywriters and creative content writers are two different writers with different goals.

Copywriting deals with different objectives and targets. They deal with writing advertisements and website content. Copywriters have to deal with the clients and write the content as per their requirements.

On the other hand, creative writing includes the work of a copywriter, but they write poems, fiction, and non-fiction as well. Creative copywriters tend to have the freedom to write the content. But, they have to keep the purpose of grabbing the audience's attention in mind.

They have to write with their creativity, so the audience is interested in knowing more about the brand or product they are writing for.

Nevertheless, both types of writings are very important as they fulfill their own purposes. It depends on the company's needs and whether it wants to hire a copywriter or creative copywriter.

Creative Copywriter Vs. SEO Copywriter

Now you know what copywriting is but do you know there are different types of copywriting? The most famous type of copywriting is SEO copywriting. Remember the types of copywriting before you pursue your writing career.

The goal of the SEO copywriter is to ensure that the blogs they write are optimized with regard to the factors that determine search engine rankings. In addition, the job of the SEO copywriter is to make sure that they raise brand awareness while ensuring that the page ranks on Google as well.

SEO copywriting has one purpose only, and that is sales. Hence, the content should be well written to engage the audience. It's a strategic form of writing. Though it is a major type of copywriting, the focus is to make the content search engine friendly.

You can also rank your keywords and generate more email subscribers with SEO writing.

But the purpose of a creative copywriter is different because the copywriter aims to persuade the people.

Copywriting is a major form of writing because customers always look for unique and compelling content.

It is all about adding value to your business. If your goals are clear, you can hire the right person and generate revenues.

Tips to Become a Creative Copywriter

If you want to become a copywriter, we have the tips that help you on your journey to learn about creative copywriting.

1. R-E-A-D

Do you know reading enhances your understanding? You cannot write well if you do not read. It polishes your imaginative skills. Moreover, by reading, you understand how you can play with words and creatively craft your ideas. With reading, you get to know what the latest trends are as well.

Reading also helps you understand the various genres and writing styles. It is very important for you because you understand which writing style suits you.

2. Practice

Only reading is not enough! You have to practice what you are learning each day. Reading is a big thing, but writers also need to pen down their thoughts. Play with words and create their own unique styles. Nothing is difficult as long as you practice and rectify your mistakes.

When you practice, you urge your mind to think about the scenarios uniquely. Thus, convert your knowledge into actions and become an expert creative writer. After all, practice makes perfect.

3. Take Feedback

Ask your friend or mentors to read your work and give genuine feedback on it. Always seek constructive feedback to ensure that you can improve your work. Proper constructive feedback is one of the most important components of learning. It helps the learner work on their current mistakes and ensures they are not repeated in the future.

Your writing mistakes will be eliminated in this way, and you will be more confident with your work. Moreover, your motivation to learn will increase with the right kind of feedback.

4. Focus On a Brand

Once you are confident about yourself, the next step is to choose a brand you love. Then, please read the details about the brand, their previous advertisements, target audience, their mission, etc.

Work on creating a creative write-up for them. Remember that your mission is to create a unique piece so the audience can buy. Prepare as many drafts as you can. But! Only keep the final draft in your portfolio. Create write-ups for various brands to prepare a portfolio.

Moreover, if you want to join a good company as a creative writer, you need to prepare a good portfolio.

5. Online Courses

The world of digital marketing is changing each day, and becoming a good writer requires you to keep a keen eye on which trends are in vogue and which are not. If you want to know about tips and techniques for becoming an excellent creative copywriter, then take advantage of the numerous free and paid courses available online.

Various online companies can provide online courses. You can enroll yourself for a few weeks. Learn the tips of becoming an excellent copywriter and ruling the world!

Moreover, these courses can polish your skill, and you can write compelling content for your company or clients.

Six Examples of Creative Copywriting in Advertising

Do you know a single creative ad can make or break a campaign? It will be best to create compelling ads no matter which industry you are serving or what you are producing. Your headlines should be creative, so the audience is interested to know more about your brand and services. Various brands have generated massive sales with their excellent advertisements. Below are a few examples of creative copywriting.

1. Barkbox's Advertisements


Barkbox creates interesting advertisements as they speak the language of the audience. In addition, the creative headlines compel the audience to continue reading. Thus, with their innovative advertisements, they have generated significant sales.

2. Rolls Royce


The example of Rolls Royce shows the classic example of efficient copywriting. Rolls Royce rules the automobile industry due to the creative advertisements they make. In this advertisement, the creative writer highlights the class and luxury of the car through a simple yet effective comparison that compels the reader to think.

3. Air Asia


Air Asia's creative copywriter generated sales for the company by being simple yet creative with their words. One single sentence was enough to grab the attention of the audience. Thus, this ad proves that your creativity can also be seen in simplicity.

4. Dixons


Dixon's copywriter ensured that people continued reading the ad till the end. The creativity of the writer is evident from the first line. Due to the unique way the advert got the target audience's attention, it succeeded in converting a number of them into sales.

5. Ricola


The company was keen to keep the audience hooked by creating unique ads. The aim was to promote medicine by making people believe they needed it.

6. Primanti Bros


Primanti Bros grabbed attention by creating a simple but captivating ad that compelled them to visit. The headline did not have many words, but the visuals caught the audience's attention.


We hope you will not question "what is creative copywriting?" because this blog covered all the essential points.

Creative copywriting is essential because it persuades people to buy the product. If you are looking for a professional creative copywriter, you are at the right place. Writing Services Hub has professional creative writers. Our experts use their collective experience to produce quality work to fulfill the clients' needs. But, do not stress about the quality of work; we do not no compromises on quality. Our packages are super affordable so contact us today.
