Generally speaking, according to the findings of a research study, the ideal blog length for blog writing varies between 1,000 to 2,000 words. You can see Figure 1 taken from that research study (title of the study is An Exploration of Document Reading Time Prediction). It shows with the increase of article length, the reading time also increases.
That’s why if you want to increase the reading time of your blog post, then you must focus on writing lengthier blogs.
So, writing lengthier blogs doesn’t mean just increasing the word count. The quality must also be maintained irrespective of the length. It is important because otherwise, your audience will skip reading if the quality is not up to standard. Additionally, in blog writing, the size of the blog also plays a part in SEO ranking.
Interestingly, all the blogs found on the first page of Google mostly lie “between 1000 to 2000 words” in terms of length. Therefore, for deciding their length during blog writing, you need to focus keenly on two important factors. The first one is your blog topic, and the second one is your audience or readers.
Most blog topics don’t need detailed descriptions, for example, “What is the definition of physics?” or “What is the recipe for making Coffee?”
Secondly, keep your readers in mind for effective blog writing. Because if your readers or audience are experts, then they don’t need detailed information. So, you don’t need to write lengthy blogs. For the appealing element, bloggers must know the key SEO ranking factors. Optimized content is beneficial in having the desired impact on the audience.
But, on the other hand, if you are communicating with the general public, you need to write long blogs to cover the topic in detail to impart a more comprehensive level of understanding.
What Are Different Types of Blog Posts?
There are different types of blog posts. You need to know about them because they will help you decide the length and other aspects of blog writing. Although there are various types, we are just writing about the 10 most common types of blog posts. So, here we go:
1) Tutorials Blog Posts
Nowadays, tutorial blog writing is common because it helps the readers accomplish various tasks and more. Therefore, its title mostly starts from “How-to.” And they provide in-depth knowledge to their readers.
Interestingly, better-ranked tutorial blog posts tend to be on the lengthier side. It is so because they cover each aspect of the topic to provide a complete picture to their readers.
2) Lists Blogs Posts
Another most common type of blog writing is one that provides information in the form of a list. Again, these are very effective and bring increased traffic to websites.
For example, “10 Skills You Need to Write an Effective Blog Post.” Therefore, the list blog posts should be written in a concise way to avoid extra details.
3) Resource Posts or Sharing Helpful Links or Sources
First, you need to avoid confusing this one with the lists blog post because they look similar. The resource posts share valuable and related sources lists or links with their readers. They are famous because they save readers’ time and energy.
For example, “Top 10 Best Websites for Students to Make Money Online.” Or “5 Best Companies for SEO Article Writing Services.”
4) Reviews Posts
Review posts are also another popular type of blog post. They are mostly used for marketing purposes. Nowadays, it is very common for brands to send their products to social media influencers and request them to write reviews about those products.
However, some bloggers also write review posts by comparing the same type of products from different brands. And let the readers choose the best one according to what fits their needs better. It is quite effective in generating traffic as almost everyone looks for reviews before making purchasing decisions.
5) Controversial Posts
Controversial posts are written to create interaction with your readers. Interestingly, a blogger writes a controversial post about the readers’ favorite thing, software, product, or personality. They tend to reply to that post eagerly.
Therefore, if you write this kind of polarizing post, you must answer all incoming replies because not everyone will agree with you.
6) Podcast Summary Blog Posts
Interestingly, after podcasts are released, blog posts are created from them. A podcast show summary or key points blog posts increases your traffic. However, these blog posts also attach the full transcript of the podcast.
These blogs are usually written with more detail to cover the key points and incorporate an analysis based upon the writer’s impressions.
7) Interview Blog Post
Interview blog writing is meant to provide an expert’s opinion about a specific topic or question. Let’s take an example. People are more likely to read a blog post about astrophysics if Neil deGrasse Tyson’s name is in the title. It happens because Neil deGrasse Tyson is a world-renowned name in astrophysics.
8) Guest Posts
Guest posts are contributions to a blog by third-party writers who are experts in specific topics. Interestingly, most blogging influencers use this type of blog writing to expand their audience reach or readers.
9) Event Blog Posts
Event Blog posts are a type of blog post that talks about specific upcoming events related to the niche of website blogging. For example, “6 Upcoming International Blogging Conferences in 2021.”
So, when you write first about an event, Google is likely to rank you higher whenever someone looks for that specific event. However, for event blogging, you must be active and informed to write so that you can be the first one to provide the information in a blog post.
What Are The Most Famous Blogging Niches?
We have compiled a list of popular blogging niches that can help give direction to your blogs. Additionally, each of the blog niches has its specific length requirements based upon the topics and intended audience.
· Lifestyle Blogs
The most common form of blog writing is lifestyle blogging. These blogs have a wide range of readers interested in culture, the arts, local news, and politics. Thus, it provides the blogger a wider selection of subjects to discuss and making content strategy planning easier.
· Fashion Blogs
One of the most popular niches in blogging is fashion. It’s a large industry with a worldwide audience. Fashion bloggers are invited to important events, and they are given unique privileges, products, and even business partnerships by leading fashion firms for marketing purposes.
· Travel Blogs
Every day, more people are interested in reading travel blogs. It is because people are traveling more than ever before because of low-cost air travel. That’s why they are continually seeking travel ideas, information, and trip guides. Additionally, these blogs can provide ideas about never-before-visited locations to even the most prolific of tourists. Creative writing is the key to make your blogs interesting and catchy.
· Food Blogs
Another popular blog category of blog writing is food blogs. It draws a large number of people interested in food-related news, healthy eating, ingredients, fine dining, recipes, and other related topics.
Many food bloggers begin with something as simple as restaurant reviews in their local area. Their interests and target audience, on the other hand, expand in tandem with their blog. They then go on to other food-related subjects.
· DIY Blogs
DIY blogs are popular and have a large following. DIY blog writing category is divided into several subtypes: metalwork, arts and crafts, woodwork, building, etc.
These fun DIY activities would entice visitors to try new things and discuss their findings with the blogger.
· Sports Blogs
Another intriguing type of blogging is related to sports. Different countries have different popular sports and their sports stars. So, bloggers that write sponsored material for athletes, teams, and other organizations would be considered part of the sports blogging community.
Another type of sports blogging is reporting on current happenings from across the world. Bloggers also use their Twitter accounts, which are automatically linked to their blogs, to give live updates from various sporting events.
· Music Blogs
Songs blogs have a large readership that is looking for reviews of the greatest and most popular music. However, music fans like it in a variety of languages, civilizations, and social conventions.
Bloggers can write about many genres of music, such as jazz, pop, heavy metal, renowned singers, and more, in the music industry.
· Fitness Blogs
Fitness blogs are becoming increasingly popular since they address essential issues such as health and general fitness. People from all around the world use the internet to get fitness tips. Starting a fitness blog and attracting clients online is an excellent avenue of marketing for fitness instructors.
The fitness blog writing covers diet programs, exercises, supplements, and other topics. In addition, fitness bloggers may also develop video material to show their audience how to do certain workouts.
· Career Blogs
Career blogs are another most trending and profitable niche in blogging. In career blogging, niche topics related to career fields, career opportunities, trending skills, work opportunities, online working, remote working, and freelancing are explained.
Therefore, career blogging is the best niche in blogging if you have knowledge and experience in a particular field. Consequently, it’s better to focus on the tips and skills to create influential career blogs.
· Mental Health Blogs
Mental health blog writing is trending, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. There are many subcategories under this niche if somebody wants to be more specific.
However, some common topics are covered in mental health blogs, such as child psychology, student psychology, mental health advocacy, counseling, and much more. However, the most searched topics for mental health blogs are usually related to depression, therapy, anxiety, self-care, suicide prevention, and grief.
7 Steps to Write a Good Blog Post:
- First, search for the keyword that readers want to know about. Then, Google other blogs related to the keyword and explore the missing points in them.
- Create an outline of the sub-topics that need to be discussed in the blog post.
- Write using simple and easy-to-understand language to increase content readability.
- Use Headings and bullets for quick reading.
- Use infographics, images, or illustrations to attract the audience, and it supplements the written information with visual elements.
- Proofread it and use white hat SEO rules for better ranking.
- Publish it and share its link with your social circle to drive traffic to your blog along with reaching out to the right audience.
How to Measure The Success of a Blog Post?
You can measure the success of your blog post through the following metrics:
- The number of clicks on your post
- Your bounce rate
- Do readers take actions after reading
- Is your blog post making conversions or achieving the purpose behind its writing?
Interestingly, you can gauge your blog writing success if you know the answers to all of the above metrics. It will allow you to adjust your approach accordingly and ensure that you get the right traction on your content. And lastly, keep one thing in mind people only love to read content that adds value to their lives. So, focus on quality instead of quantity. Also, check out the blog writing services to learn more about the techniques of crafting unique content.